End October, 2023 Update

End of October, 2023 Update

To my supporters, thank you for your continued support in partnering with me for the sake of advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This update covers the period from 01/10/2023 to 31/10/2023 and I pray it will be of great encouragement to you.

Profession of faith

  • At the end of Christianity Explored earlier this year, one of our attendees mentioned that whilst the Christian message was believable, he was still very unlikely himself to become a Christian.

  • At the completion of Christianity Explored, I started one on one discipleship with him, by regularly inviting him over for a meal and going through the Gospel of John.

  • God in his kindness and sovereignty, enabled him to profess faith during one of our discipleship sessions, on the 24th of October, 2023.

  • Praise God for his new life in Christ.

  • Please pray that I continue to disciple him well through the Word.

Prayer and Praise Night

  • I’m thankful for the opportunity to have organized and co-emceed the Prayer and Praise night with Loz on the 31st of October, 2023.

  • It was encouraging to have worked alongside all who were serving on the night as we helped our congregation to praise and pray to God for our church’s vision, the 3rd service and for a strong culture of service.

  • The night went well and according to plan, with over 50 people from our morning and evening services in attendance.

  • Please continue to pray for all that we prayed for on the night.

Sermon on Hebrews 8

  • I’m grateful for the privilege to have preached my third sermon at St Stephen’s, which was on Hebrews 8.

  • The big idea of the passage was, ‘after Jesus got involved, our relationship problem (with God) was solved’.

  • It was a challenging passage to preach on, due to its complexity.

  • To help people see why the New Covenant was better, I used part of my testimony to show the difference in formerly having living as a Hindu/Buddhist verses now as a Christian.

  • I’m praising God that this sermon was of encouragement to those who attended.

  • I was especially encouraged after hearing a person from a Hindu background who had attended our church for the very first time, was convicted by the message.

Kid’s talk on Hebrews 9

  • I was grateful for the opportunity to write the Kid’s Talk on Hebrews 9.

  • It was a difficult passage talking about the cleansing of our sins through the blood of Jesus.

  • I was able to come up with a talk showing the futility of the Old Covenant sacrificial system and why Jesus’ sacrifice was better.

  • Praise God that the talk was delivered well by all the actors.

Community Day Evangelism Training

  • This year will be the first year that our church will have walk-up evangelism teams to share the gospel and hand out tracts at Community Day.

  • To equip our team, especially those who have never undertaken walk-up evangelism, I ran an evangelism training session for them.

  • Praise God that the training went well, with those involved finding the training useful.

  • Please pray for boldness for all those doing evangelism on the day and that we will eventually see conversions from this endeavour.

Snapshot of other areas

Kid’s Church

  • On Saturday the 28th of October, we had a grade 5/6 social night in Forest Hill.

  • Although no formal teaching was involved on the night, it was an enjoyable time for us leaders to strengthen friendships with the students and their parents.

  • Please pray for us leaders to continue building relationships with the children and their parents through similar activities in the future.


  • I’m continuing to my discipleship relationships with a number of men from church.

  • Please pray for continuing fruit in all my discipleship relationships and especially for the new Christians to grow strong in their faith.


  • I’ve completed the subject ‘Ministry Formation’, which has been useful in providing insights on the pitfalls and challenges of ministry.

  • Please pray that I would continue to reflect on lessons learnt from this subject to become a better gospel worker.

Also here are some of the things I’ll be reporting on at my next official update for you at the end of November. So please keep me in prayer for these.

  • MTS Recruit Conference

  • Community Day Evangelism

  • Christianity Explored Term 4

  • Growth Group end of year review.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Please note: You can support me in the following ways:

• Prayer

• Encouragement

• Financial Partnership https://mts.com.au/give/aditya-kuthalam/


End December, 2023 Update


End September, 2023 Update