End September, 2023 Update

End of September, 2023 Update

To my supporters, thank you for your continued support in partnering with me for the sake of advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This update covers the period from my last update to you, until end of September, 2023 and I pray it will be of great encouragement to you.

Church Camp Workshop

  • I was involved teaching a workshop during Church Camp weekend on the topic, ‘Contextualisation for Evangelism’.

  • This workshop contained content from Sam Chan’s book, ‘Evangelism in a Skeptical World’.

  • The content was taught in an interactive manner with the main idea being, the need to preach the gospel whilst also taking into account the cultural context of the person as per the example from Acts 17.

  • I was grateful for all the interaction in the workshop including encouragement from some of the participants afterwards.

  • Please pray that participants will continue to reflect on all that they have learnt to be more effective in their evangelistic efforts.


 Service Leading and Preaching on Psalm 85

  • I’m grateful for the privilege and responsibility to have service led and preached back at church during the Church Camp weekend.

  • After a tiring week preparing for the sermon and then having church camp, it was physically challenging to service lead and preach on the Sunday.

  • However, I was grateful to God for sustaining me with strength for the task.

  • I chose to preach on Psalm 85, with the big idea being, ‘Hope is found:

    • when we remember God’s unfailing love in the past,

    • when we trust in God’s unfailing love in the present and

    • when we look forward to God’s unfailing love in the future.’

  • I’m praising God that this sermon was of encouragement to all who attended on the day including a newcomer who I believe is now attending our morning service. 


Comms Meeting

  • I’ve been leading a working group consisting of few of the ministry team leaders in the Communications portfolio to improve a number of processes.

  • This has included:

    • Document sharing and file storage.

    • The production of graphics.

    • The onboarding of new team members.

    • Overall governance improvements.

  • We’ve had productive discussions so far and are now looking to discuss our improvements with the other ministry team leaders within this portfolio.

  • Please pray for a smooth rolling out of the processes proposed.


Community Day Evangelism

  • I’m leading a walk-up evangelism team for Community Day.

  • So far, the team consists of 20 congregants from our church and so I’m praising God for his provision of workers.

  • Oli and I are currently working on a training plan for the volunteers as well as selecting the appropriate tracts to use.

  • Please pray that this endeavour will bear fruit in the salvation of souls in our community. 

Snapshot of other areas

  • Hebrews Sermon Prep

    • It’s been a steep learning curve in writing my sermon on Hebrews 8 on the superior covenant due to the denseness of the passage.

    • Please be praying for me in my preparation for the delivery of this sermon on the 15th of October.

  • College

    • I’m continuing to reflect on all that I have been learning in the subject, ‘Ministry Formation’, especially on how to be a faithful pastor.

    • Please continue to pray that everything I learn is fortified in my mind and heart, so that I can better serve with the knowledge gained.

Also here are some of the things I’ll be reporting on at my next official update for you at the end of October. So please keep me in prayer for these.

  • Hebrew 8 sermon

  • Kid’s talk on Hebrews 9

  • Service booklet roll out

  • Prayer and Praise Night.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.


End October, 2023 Update


End August, 2023 Update