End December, 2023 Update

End of December, 2023 Update

To my supporters, thank you for your continued support in partnering with me for the sake of advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This update covers the period from 01/12/2023 to 31/12/2023 and I pray it will be of great encouragement to you.


Men’s Ministry Lawn Bowls Short Talk

  • On the 2nd of December, I delivered a short talk at Men’s Ministry Lawn Bowls Event at the Burwood District Bowls Club.

  • The event was created to be both social and evangelistic in nature and was Christmas themed.

  • The talk created dissonance for the hearers in talking about the futility of self-reliance, a trait associated with men.

  • It then proceeded to show why God-reliance through Christ was the better way, a message that appropriately tied into the Gospel and the Christmas theme.

  • Overall, the event itself was a success and I’m praising God for the Men’s Ministry Committee who did an excellent job in organising the event.

  • Please pray for the non-Christian men who attended the event, that they were convicted by the gospel message and will continue to seek our Lord.


Psalm 11 Kids Talk

  • I’m thankful for the opportunity to have written the Kids talk for Psalm 11.

  • This was a challenging Kids talk to write and so with the help of Ian, we focused on explaining three key attributes of God, being his Omniscience, his Omnipotence and his Omnipresence.

  • The aim was then to help the children understand why these attributes belonged to our God, in contrast to mankind.

  • Please pray that this talk helped the children have an even higher view of our God.


Psalm 12 Sermon Prep

  • I’m currently preparing for my sermon on Psalm 12 that I’ll be preaching on the 7th of January.

  • The big idea of the sermon is: We can trust in God’s promise to protect us in a world filled with deception, because he’s our powerful promiser maker, he’s our perfect promise keeper and he’s our permanent promise deliver.

  • Praise God for the help Oli has been providing for the development of my sermon.

  • Please pray for all the time that I put into preparation, will yield in a sermon that will transform the hearts of our church and will glorify God.


Snapshot of other areas

  • Bible College

    • With approval from John, I’ve enrolled into the subjects New Testament Greek A and Preaching – Skills and Self Evaluation at the Presbyterian Theological College, which I’ll be undertaking in Semester 1, 2024.

    • Please pray that these subjects will greatly assist me in my exegetical understanding of bible passages and in the delivery of sermons.


Here are some of the things I’ll be reporting on at my next official update for you at the end of January. So please keep me in prayer for these.

  • Psalm 12 Sermon delivery

  • Completion of Christianity Explored (From Term 4, 2023)

  • G8 Conference for Ministry Apprentices

  • Engage Leaders Conference

Photo from Men’s Ministry Lawn Bowls Event below.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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End November, 2023 Update


End October, 2023 Update