Day 1 of my Ministry Apprenticeship

Dear friends,

Sunday 1st of January, 2023 was Day 1 of my Ministry Apprenticeship at St Stephen’s Presbyterian Church in Surrey Hills.

I had the great joy and privilege to start things off in serving our church by service leading and undertaking the congregational prayer for both the morning and evening services.

I had the even greater privilege of getting to spend time fellowshipping with brothers and sisters from the morning and evening services with the day ending at 10pm after a nice dinner with a few of the evening crew in Box Hill.

Despite the joy and privilege, Day 1 no doubt had its challenges.

  • Firstly, there were the nerves of it being the first day of official ministry work and I was really feeling those nerves during the morning service.

  • Secondly, I didn’t really get to sleep well due to the excitement of starting. Also the fireworks going off around my area for a while after midnight didn’t help with sleeping either.

  • Thirdly, the hot 35+ degree day wasn’t helping.

Yet despite the challenges, the privilege of serving God and the joy of fellowshipping made it a very special first day indeed.

It was also very nice to have received a lot of encouragement after the services from many in the congregation as well as from Pastor Oli.

So I end this post with Psalm 32:11 which says, “Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!”

Indeed Day 1 has ended in great joy!


End of Jan, 2023 Update


Ministry Apprentice Supporters Lunch