Useful Resources

The following are resources that I have found useful in my Christian walk. I pray that these will bless you too.

BIBLE STUDY RESOURCES (To help with personal study and preparing bible studies)

Online Bible Study Resources (for bible translations, commentaries, concordances etc)

  • Blue Letter Bible (

  • Bible Study Tools (

  • Bible Hub (

Bible Study Software

  • Olive Tree Bible Software (

  • Logos Bible Software (

Christian Bookshop

  • Reformers Bookshop (

DOCTRINAL STANDARD RESOURCES (To understand Presbyterian and Reformed doctrines and polity)

Presbyterian Confession and standards

  • Westminster Confession of Faith and other documents (

Other Reformed Confessions and standards

  • Belgic Confession (

  • Canons of Dort (

  • Heidelberg Catechism (

DEVOTIONAL RESOURCES (To help with personal devotions and other personal learning)

Daily Devotionals

  • Today Devotional (

  • Reformed Perspective (

Christian Sermons

  • Sermon Audio (

Reformed Ministries (Containing sermons, blogs and other articles)

  • Monergism (

  • The Gospel Coalition Australia (

  • Ligonier Ministries (

  • Gospel In Life (

  • Truth For Life (

  • Banner of Truth (

  • Grace To You (


Bible Colleges in Victoria

  • Presbyterian Theological College (

  • Reformed Theological Colleges (

Online Bible College Resources

  • Biblical Training (

  • Master’s Seminary (


Why I am Evangelical, Reformed and Presbyterian