Ministry Apprenticeships

The following information about Ministry Apprenticeships come from Ministry Training Strategy’s website. Ministry Training Strategy (MTS) along with Metro (PCV) are helping to manage Ads’ Ministry Apprenticeship.

What is MTS?

  • Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38

  • MTS (Ministry Training Strategy) seeks to multiply gospel workers through ministry apprenticeships.

  • MTS help local churches and ministries identify and train gifted individuals before helping them to decide on the next step in their ministry.

MTS wants every Christian to:

  • Be trained to be the best servants of Christ they can be through ministry apprenticeship

  • Continually grow in the knowledge and service of God

  • Train other ministry apprentices

MTS Vision, Mission and Mission Objectives


  • To win the world for Christ by multiplying Gospel Workers through ministry apprenticeships.


  • To raise up, train and resource MTS Trainers, as they multiply Gospel Workers through ministry apprenticeships.

Mission Objectives

  • Recruit and grow the number of active Trainers

  • Equip and help Trainers to Recruit Apprentices

  • Equip and help Trainers to Train Apprentices

  • Retain and Grow (Develop) Trainers to be Entrusters

  • Develop indigenous (local) MTS movements internationally

More information about Ministry Training Strategy can be found at


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