About Me

My name is Aditya Kuthalam (Ads for short). I am a Christian and a husband to Loz. I am thankful to God and my local church that I have been given the wonderful privilege of serving Jesus and my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ through a full time 2 year ministry apprenticeship at St Stephen’s Presbyterian Church (Surrey Hills). I’ll be starting this in January 2023 along with studying a part time Master of Divinity at the Presbyterian Theological College.

Growing up, I never would have thought I’d end up doing a ministry apprenticeship. This is because I grew up in a non Christian home and only came to truly know the Lord in my late 20s. However by the grace of God in saving me by faith through Jesus, I have been assured of my eternal hope and continue to see the transformational power of the Gospel at work in my life.

Since I have powerfully seen what the Gospel has done in saving and sanctifying me, a desire has grown in my heart to consider ministry in order to share the good and life giving news of Jesus with others in a full time capacity. So would you please consider partnering with me foremost prayerfully and perhaps financially, for God to use the next two years in my life to labour for him and to be confirmed by the Church if full time ministry indeed is where the Lord would want to me.

At St Stephen’s Presbyterian, Surrey Hills, I will be working with my trainer and senior minister, the Rev John Huynh and the rest of the pastoral team. Here I’ll be focusing on 1 on 1 discipleship, youth ministries, service leading, teaching and preaching and any other tasks given to me for furthering the Kingdom of God.

Romans 1:16-17

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”

Prayer Points

– That I would first and foremost have a humble dependence on God and continually be driven by the love of God and his Gospel in my service to others.

– That my Character, Conviction and Competency is thoroughly tested so that at the end of my apprenticeship, both myself and others will clearly be able to discern if I should pursue full time ministry in a more permanent capacity.

– Despite the intensity of ministry life, I will continue to prioritise my devotional life in Christ and continue to faithfully and sacrificially love my wife Loz.

– That with all that I do, it will be for God’s glory alone. Soli Deo Gloria

How you can financially support me in gospel partnership


You can also hear my testimony here:



About St Stephen's Presbyterian


My Statement of Faith