End January, 2024 Update

End of January, 2024 Update

To my supporters, thank you for your continued support in partnering with me for the sake of advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This update covers the period from 01/01/2024 to 31/01/2024 and I pray it will be of great encouragement to you.

Completion of Christianity Explored (From Term 4, 2023)

  • I’m thankful for the opportunity to have served alongside a few members of our church in the evangelistic program called Christianity Explored, which started in term 4 of last year.

    • There were 6 sessions in all, which started on the 15th of November and they concluded on the 10th of January.

  • The group had up to 6 non-Christian participants to begin with, which then dropped down to 4 by the last session.

    • The participants ranged in age and life experience, with the youngest being primary school aged and the oldest appearing to be in his eighties.

  • Due to the diversity of participants, there was naturally a range of different questions and pain points that were brought up, as they were being confronted by the Gospel.

  • As a result, our team worked hard to gently and sensitively give them the reason for the hope that we have.

    • please pray that the non-Christian participants will accept being discipled by members of our church and will eventually come to know the Lord Jesus.

Psalm 12 Sermon

  • I’m thankful for the opportunity to have delivered the sermon on Psalm 12 on the 7th of January as part of the Summer in the Psalms series.

  • It was a challenging passage that contrasted the deceitful words of men with the perfect word of God.

  • I’m thankful to Pastor Oli who worked with me to develop my big idea, build my sermon outline and sharpen the sermon over course of December.

  • In general I’m finding sermon writing and delivery, both a joyful and a challenging endeavour.

    • It’s joyful to be able to read, meditate, research and then communicate God’s word to God’s people.

    • It’s challenging, as each sermon needs to be faithful in content, packaging and delivery, whilst carefully considering the nuances of each passage.

  • Please pray that the sermon edified God’s people.

  • Please also pray that I will continue to mature in writing and delivering sermons faithfully.

Engage Leaders Conference

  • It was with great joy that I was able to serve by teaching a Strand 1 group at the Engage Conference over the Australia Day long weekend.

  • I was grateful to be partnered with Wayne Schuller, a minister who’s had over a couple of decades worth of experience.

  • The delegates in my group were teachable and eager to put their learnings into practice, which made it a joy to teach them.

  • Overall, the conference was refreshing for the soul, due to the talks that were given by Richard Chin and the fellowship that was experienced across the wider body of Christ.

  • Please pray for the delegates that were in my strand, that they would put the material they learnt to good use in the various kids, youth and young adults groups that they’re a part of.

Snapshot of other areas

  • Luke studies write up for Growth Group

    • I’m continuing to have the opportunities to write bible studies for Growth Group, which included two studies from Luke Chapter 9.

    • I’m continuing to grow in competency in this area, especially in trying to derive the implications from the text.

    • I’ve especially tried to focus on moving away from comprehension type questions, so that questions can draw out more meaning from the text.

    • Please pray, that I continue to grow more competent in this area.

Here are some of the things I’ll be reporting on at my next official update for you at the end of February. So please keep me in prayer for these.

  • Yoshi (Including serving in the M and D teams)

  • Growth Group leading

  • Luke 9:28-36 sermon preparation

  • Learnings from Bible College

Photo from Engage Leaders Conference below.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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End February, 2024 Update


End November, 2023 Update