End April, 2024 Update

End of April, 2024 Update

To my supporters, thank you for your continued support in partnering with me for the sake of advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This update covers the period from 01/03/2024 to 30/04/2024 and I pray it will be of great encouragement to you.

One on One and Group discipleship

  • I’m thankful for the number of one on one and group discipleships that I’m currently a part of.

  • It’s been a privilege to fellowship over meals, discuss various topics, pray and grow together with these men.

  • As part of our conversations, I’ve also been encouraging some of these men to consider discipling others at our church as well as to consider undertaking a ministry apprenticeship.

  • So please pray for these things.


Yoshi and Growth Group bible study write ups

  • I’m grateful for the opportunity to have written studies on the 4th Commandment (Exodus 20:8-11) for both Growth Group and Yoshi.

  • In writing these studies, I’ve had the privilege to wrestle with:

    • What it looks like for us as Christians to apply the principles of the Sabbath in the New Covenant.

    • The greater Sabbath rest we can experience with Christ both today and in eternity.

  • I found the Yoshi study more challenging to write, as it needed to be simple, but not shallow to help the youth learn these important truths.

  • Please pray, that these studies will be helpful for our congregation.


Food For Thought Evangelistic Program

  • It was a privilege to be part of the Food For Thought evangelistic program again.

  • Being on paternity leave for most of it, I played more a of a behind the scenes role, focusing on marketing the event at church.

  • This involved talking to people at church to prayerfully consider who they could invite to the event and in organising interviews during announcements time.

  • Praise God that a good number of non-Christians turned up to the event and please pray that all of them would now come to the Meet Jesus evangelistic program starting in May.


Snapshot of other areas

Growth Group

  • I’m praising God that Growth Group has been going well.

  • The group has quickly bonded well over song, prayer, study and fellowship.

  • I’m praising God especially for the way, the members care for one another both through prayer and by practical means.

  • Please pray that all members will continue to be cared for well and continue strongly in their sanctification.


Luke Lecture

  • I’m thankful for the opportunity to be involved in running events like lectures and prayer and praise.

  • I’m coming to realise that a lot is required to be done behind the scenes to ensure the event is not just run well, but is effective.

  • Please pray that I continue to grow in my ability to run these events well.


Please note, my next official update will be for the month of May.

The next update will cover:

  • 1 Peter 4:12-19 Sermon (Preached at College and Deaf Church contexts)

  • Meet Jesus Evangelistic Program (Study write up and leading)

  • Completion of Semester 1 at Bible College

  • Learnings from the MTS Challenge Conference

  • Learnings from the Reach Australia Conference


Photo from Yoshi Logo.

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End May, 2024 Update


End February, 2024 Update